
just testing anchor points

About me

Sandra Hanhart, lic. iur., MLP-HSG, Attorney at Law

As a lawyer, I support organizations and private individuals in commercial law. My practice focuses on contract and corporate law as well as intellectual property, media, IT and data protection law.

I have more than 15 years of experience in providing legal advice to companies and start-ups in the field of media, advertising and technology as General Counsel of a listed Swiss media group and partner in a commercial law firm.

just testing anchor points


Hanhart Law stands for individual, high quality legal advice in commercial law.

In my areas of expertise, I advise clients and represent them in dispute resolutions in and outside of court and other authorities. 

Due to my professional experience and several management trainings, I am very familiar with the demands of companies, and I am able to understand both the legal and business perspectives. My firm's structure allows me to provide you with personal advice at any time, free of conflicts of interest. You benefit from my many years of specialization in my areas of expertise, my in-depth knowledge of the industry and an efficient network at home and abroad. I cooperate with selected lawyers as needed. 

According to the business magazine BILANZ, Hanhart Law is one of the best law firms in Switzerland in its field (see rating for the years 2022, 2023 and 2024, section Media Law)

Intellectual property and media law

  • I advise clients on the drafting of contracts (e.g. licensing agreements, marketing agreements, cooperation agreements) and on all issues in the area of intellectual property and advertising law as well as personality and data protection law. This includes all legal matters relating to publications in newspapers, television and radio as well as on news platforms and in social media.
  • My advice includes all legal matters regarding publications in newspapers, television, news websites, and social media, including specific regulations of the media and advertising industry.
  • In particular my advice is aimed at publishers, broadcasters, photo and advertising agencies, and all other companies in the field of media and technology. 
  • Contract and transaction related business law / M&A

  • In particular, I advise on corporate acquisitions, mergers and capital increases. My advice covers share deals as well as asset deals, from the initial negotiation with potential buyers or sellers, to the pre-closing carve-out, due diligence, negotiation and signing of contracts.  
  • I regularly support shareholders in structuring their shareholder relations within the framework of shareholder agreements and advise clients on labour law.
  • I advise companies including start-ups and their founders, members of the management and board of directors from various industries.  
  • just testing anchor points


    The law firm of Hanhart Law can be reached in a few minutes on foot from Bellevue.  

    The closest public transport stop is Zurich, Kreuzstrasse.

    Hanhart Law
    Seegartenstrasse 2
    CH-8008 Zürich